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Sunday, 10 January 2016

Word associated with 'type'

I thought it would be fitting to end my blog on my word associated with type. This was actually done at the start of this module however the fitting message I feel will sum up my blog nicely. We could chose phrase using lettering AND/OR type. I chose to use a phrase. This phrase was make your mark. I chose this as i thought it would be fitting to use it whilst also using ink.

Exhibition elements and Instillation

For the elements to advertise our exhibition I had an idea of making the posters interactive so that it would catch the eye of the general public. Therefore I had an idea of having openings pieces to reveal the word paper within the design. this led to me and the advertising team to sit down and help design a poster. Our instillation help was to hang the poster around all the city campus to spread the word about the exhibition.

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